Our Focus
We focus on women's health and prevention of cancer
through a metabolic approach.
Terrain 10
Metabolic Approach
There are 10 main drivers of health or disease, the key elements of a person’s ‘terrain’ that are crucial to preventing and managing cancer.
Cancer is currently the leading cause of death worldwide. Despite billions spent in the effort; very little progress has been made against the disease as a whole. The diagnosis provokes urgency and fear for patients and their families with profound impact rippling into our society.
To rethink cancer, we need to rethink healthcare. The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a different approach – patient centric (vs. tumor centric), data informed, outcomes based – that we believe will change the standard to cancer care and prevention. With more people empowered with an understanding of the metabolic approach and how to follow it for themselves, loved ones and others, we can change the view of cancer to that of a manageable disease.
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a way to you understand why cancer and its treatment are not a one-size-fits-all. It emphasizes how to lead a healthy lifestyle and arm your body with the tools it needs to avoid or fight off illness, rather than just suffer from it. So, if you’re interested in exploring the healing powers of nutrition or are looking to turn over every stone as you explore cancer-treatment options, connect with Jenifer!
Who benefits from Terrain 10
Metabolic Approach
Newly Diagnosed
We reach out to those who are newly diagnosed and may be considering an alternative approach.
Family & Friends
We support families and friends of survivors or those who have lost their battles.
Family History
We help those whom have a family history of cancer and are searching prevention.
Jenifer Harbour
Your Certified Advocate to
Preventing & Managing cancer
Our Affiliate Partners
Nutrition Genome
DNA Test Kit + Whole Body Health Report
Keto Mojo
Blood Ketone & Glucose Monitoring System
Keep Your Aim Yoga
We celebrate life’s diversity, the qualities of our heart, and seek a connection to something greater than ourselves.
Dr. Nasha
Master the metabolic approach to cancer.
Movita Health & Functional Medicine
Movita Health and Functional Medicine provides exciting alternatives to traditional healthcare for individuals who want to take an active role and a primarily holistic approach to their health care.
Metabolic Approach To Cancer Doctors
Clear Mind Integrative Health
Tutton Naturopathic & Acupuncture
Howlett Integrative Cancer Care
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