Terrain Ten Quiz
From Chapter 2 in the Metabolic Approach to Cancer book
Whether you aim to prevent cancer, have recently been diagnosed with it, or are in remission, it's essential to assess the diet and lifestyle elements that may contribute to the cause. By identifying and prioritizing the potential drivers of your individual cancer process, you gain the ability to put the brakes on the runaway truck of this complex disease. Cancer, when viewed positively, can actually be a messenger - a required invitation to learn how your life is out of balance. Then you need to decide if you want to change it. You, your cancer, and the processes driving it are multifaceted. You are a whole lot more than a name, age, and diagnosis. In this questionnaire you can begin to assess and identify which of your terrain elements are most out of balance by taking the following ten short quizzes. This will help determine where to focus and what potential next steps are. Consider it an at home self-assessment.
This questionnaire is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure your cancer, rather to simply highlight awareness. Often, we have heard our clients say, "I was so healthy before cancer," which can make their diagnosis that much more shocking. Yet after these same people complete this questionnaire, and really look under the hood, the "ah ha" moments start to happen. That said, don't be overwhelmed if you score high in every section - most people do. The goal is to merely draw your attention to what needs support, and what you have control over. To interpret your score, see which of the terrain areas have the highest number of "yes" answers. The top few will be the areas you will want to prioritize focusing on the soonest. Do know that starting to address any one of these ten areas will significantly enhance your body's response to conventional treatments, reduce side effects, and make you stronger.
If you score high in one or more areas, you are a good candidate for a consultation with a Terrain Advocate or if you want to learn more, buy the book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.
Email your completed questionnaire to jenifer@terrain10consulting.com.